Making Your Home Comfortable During Winter

Snowmen, Snow angels, hot chocolate-the winter brings pleasant times for some people. For many others the winter brings the challenge of keeping their homes warm without making their pockets empty. People that live in extremely cold climates really feel the pinch during this time of year.

So many people can use tips on how to make their homes comfortable during the winter. If you’re one of those people, you’re in luck.

The rest of this article will give you tips on how you can make your home comfortable during the winter.

1. Check Your Heater

Check your central heater to make sure that no gases are leaking out of it. Many gases that can escape from central heating systems have no color. They also lack an odor. This makes it vitally important to make sure these gases aren’t leaking from your heater. You may need a professional to help you with this task.

2. Check Your Doors And Windows

Sometimes warm air leaks out through tiny cracks in doors and windows. Check your doors and windows at the start of the cold season to make sure there are no cracks. If you see cracks, seal them. You can also keep air cold air from escaping through windows by covering them up in the winter.

Making Your Home Comfortable During Winter

3. Check Your Insulation

Make sure your insulation does not have any cracks in it. If you have an older home, this is especially important to do. Your insulation has probably seen a lot of wear and tear over the years. You want to check your insulation to make sure you have the proper material. This is not a do it yourself task. Spend some money to hire a professional to do this one.

4. Check Your Ductwork

Improperly maintained ductwork can make a properly functioning central heater ineffective. Ideally you should have these checked by a professional every five years. You should also have them cleaned this often, unless you have an indoor pet. If you have furry pet as part of your family, you should consider having your ducts cleaned once a year.

5. Maintain Your Filters

You should replace your filters on a monthly basis. This is especially helpful if you have allergies. Keeping your filters clean reduces the amount of allergens in the air. This happens because when your filters are changed often, they don’t get a chance to get full of things that make your allergies act up. Stuff like pollen, dust, and dust mites can live in filters. Keeping the filters clean keeps these things from building up in your heating system. Keeping your filters maintained is important for more reasons than just having a lower heating bill.

Keeping your home comfortable during the winter doesn’t have to be an expensive undertaking. A few simple tasks done at strategic times of the year goes a long way in the fight to keep the heating bill from emptying your wallet. These are just a few ideas. If you consult a heating professional, I’m sure they will be full of creative ideas.

By Bennett

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