Home Decorating Mistakes

Small changes that you can make in your home decorating can lead to a much more satisfying home environment. Almost everyone has been guilty of one or more of these at some point in their home decorating.

However, learning to recognize these “big” mistakes can lead to a much more put-together look.

1. Too Many Photos

You don’t need to display every family picture that you’ve taken for the world to see. Most people aren’t even interested in your pictures of the bird that visits your patio or every smile your baby makes. Consider framing just a few of your best and favorites for sitting or hanging and put the rest in a digital picture frame or photo albums that are organized and easy to access for those who love to show off their pictures.

Home Decorating Mistakes

2. The Infamous Toilet Rug

Even if you don’t own one now, the likelihood is that you did at one point or know someone who does. The cutout rug fits around the base of the toilet and is the harbinger of germs and yucky stuff. Get rid of it. Don’t give it away, throw it out. Instead, use a normal rectangular rug placed away from the base of the toilet.

3. Leaving Exposed Wires and Cables

It’s such an easy fix but so many of us leave the wires and cables to electronics, lamps and other devices laying out to be seen. Try tucking them behind the furniture or along the baseboards. If you can, lift the edge of the carpet or a rug and hide them under. Bunch wires neatly together and use electrical tap or small zip ties to hold them together in a bundle. Cord covers the same color as the wall or flooring is also another great way to cover up wires and cables.

4. Wrong Themes

Walking into a room that looks like it’s a scene from a beach home when you’re in the mountains or vise versus, just makes most of us cringe. It’s like instant shock to the senses because it’s so out of place. If you like a location but live in a different environment, don’t use the theme in your home. You can display a few items from the location on a shelf or bookcase, but don’t do the whole room or home.

5. Too Much Clutter

Clutter is a fault of almost everyone and it leads to stress because you feel pressured to get organized and to clean up. The best way to get rid of clutter is to find better ways to organize. Find tubs, baskets, chests and armoires to give you extra space to hold those items that seem to pile up. Learn to get rid of items that you don’t use or wear, including that jacket hanging in the back of your closet that you’ve been waiting to come back into style.

6. Large Collections

Collectibles can begin to look like clutter when not displayed correctly or they’ve taken over your home (this includes clothes and shoes). Go through the collection and get rid of ones you don’t really want or appreciate. If sizing down is not an option, then consider dividing the collection into smaller groupings and rotating the groups in and out of storage to make the collection more manageable.

7. Wrong Size Furniture

Buying furniture too large or small for the space is also a big decorating mistake. Measure your room and space before purchasing, including checking the doorframe sizes, to make sure the piece is the right size for the area. You also don’t want to overstuff or leave the room to sparse either.

8. Formal Rooms

No one uses formal rooms; they are too stiff and uncomfortable. Improve the comfort and relaxation of your home by getting rid of the formal dining or living room and creating a space where people want to live and enjoy.

9. Fake Flowers and Plants

Finally, get rid of the fake flowers and use real ones. If real flowers are not an option, consider bowls of fruit, veggies, branches from the garden or live plants instead. Fake flowers just collect dust and look crappy. Real stuff is better and you can change it out often to keep your home looking fresh.

All of these decorating mistakes work to create an awkward or less than easy to care for space. Improve your home by making these inexpensive and easy changes to your décor and enjoy your home that much more.

By Bennett

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