DIY Door Installation

Over the past few years, there has been a perpetual growth in crime and violent incidents. Every day we have reports of violent incidents taking place around us. Most such untoward incidents are an outcome of improper home security systems. Home security has been taken quite lightly by most of us alike. We are hence, equally culpable for these crimes and increasing rates of violence.

Homes tend to make us feel safer and we love remaining in the secure confines of home, doing anything that pleases us. Most of the times, we usually focus on enhancing the aesthetic appeal of our homes and forget about safety concerns. It is one of the most common mistakes we make, which leaves us at a greater threat of theft or burglary.

Importance of Door Security

When dealing with home safety and security, the entry to your home is a major concern. Doors are a part of only one third of the total exterior, but these serve as major entry points for some of the most disastrous break-ins and thefts. Sporting a perspicacious attitude towards door security and your own safety can help you evade most such untoward incidents.

Doors are the medium to separate out prying fingers and curious, pernicious eyes from entering your household. If you value your home security and wellbeing more than anything else, its time you install a sturdy door and help your home become the safe haven it is. It is also imperative to ascertain whether your front door and door jamb as strong enough to prevent unwanted entries and safeguard your homes.

DIY Door Installation

DIY Door Installation

Sometimes, most of us end up overestimating the impact of any task and leave it completely on professionals. Tasks like door installation for safety are not as tough, as often perceived. If you’re looking to install your door on your own, here’s a step-by-step guide to effective installation of an entry door in your home:

Step 1: Clear out the door way

The first and foremost step to executing door installation is to get rid of any excess drywall around the door way. You can trim it off, so that the door way is all smooth and ready for another door to be installed neatly.

Step 2: Level out the Floor

Make sure your floor is all level and smooth. If your floor needs to be levelled out furthermore, consider marking for shims to make the floor appear smooth and plain. Make sure you determine the right locations for shims, and impeccably execute the process further.

Step 3: Determine the size of door and remove packing materials

Once you’re done with cleaning up the door way, consider cutting the door to the right length after determining the proper size. You would need to remove the packing material and the plug that comes on the pre-hung door. Ensure that you get rid of stray packaging material and only then proceed with further installation.

Step 4: Attach Shim and position the door

Get started with the main installation by tacking a nail on the shim in the doorway. Soon after you do that, position your door and place it inside the opening. Make sure your door is plumb and your door is able to swing open easily. Secure the jamb along its length with the help of nails and check the door opening. In order to leave room for further adjustments, place a shim by the bottom hinge.

Step 5: Nail the Door in Place

You can complete the door installation easily by nailing the door in place and filling up the nail holes. Make sure you check the door and ensure that it opens and shuts properly.

This step-by-step guide fits for wooden doors that can be easily nailed in place. If however, you have a metallic door with an automated lock, you may have to weld it to your metallic hinges. Welding is often perceived as a challenging task that requires proper care. You can easily go about with DIY welding, after careful considerations. Read along how to weld on your own:

Step 1: Get your Equipment

A 230 volt, 50-amp electrical outlet can easily support your initial welding operation. Head towards a welding supply dealer and get yourself an electric arc welder. You would need welding rods and a basic E6011 rod would do well. A carbon arc torch would be required if your door installation requires brazing. If however, you need welding rods for cutting purposes, consider choosing E6010 rods for the same.

Step2: Welding Safety

You would know that welding is the delicate dance between heat, metal and equipment. Make sure you execute this crafty task after proper safety considerations. Some essentials to remember while welding include:

  • Wear welding safety clothing, which comprises of safety gloves, eye wear and head gear. Do not wear open-toed footwear lest you get burnt by weld splatter.
  • Wear full-sleeved clothes to evade stray weld splatter.
  • Perform your welding operations in a well-ventilated welding workstation that prevents toxic air build-up.
  • Make sure your equipment is good quality and the wires are of proper gauge.
  • Avoid welding under the direct rays of sunlight, if you’re welding in the patio and choose to keep plenty of water close to you so that there is no chance of dehydration.
  • Avoid wearing synthetic fibres that can easily catch fire
  • While welding your door, make sure you isolate the welding place from the rest of your home. You can also use welding curtains to avoid weld splatter around your home.
  • Remove curtains and avoid welding in cluttered surroundings. There should be no clutter around your welding workstation and the area should be perfectly clean and clear.

Step3: Execute the Welds

Read the welding manuals before starting, as the welding process may vary differently for any welding equipment. Have someone help you hold the door in place and use clamps and weights to further hold it in place. Tack the metal pieces well and avoid warping. Begin with slow and steady feed cuts and pay attention towards the ‘Duty Cycle’.

A few welds would be good enough to have your door in place. Make it a point to pay proper attention to welding safety. If the welding and fixing processes leave your door unkempt, make it a point to coat your door with some beautiful paint. Avoid any experimenting and if you still don’t feel confident about welding DIY, avail some professional services!

A sturdy door would help in enhancing your home safety and make your homes safe havens. Make it a point to install firm doors with safety locks. Let no prying visitor take advantage of your noisy hinges and weak doors and threaten your home safety.

By Bennett

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