how to keep rats away from house

How to get rid of rats in house… Rats are a bane to earth and if left untended, they can grow in great numbers and become very difficult to get rid of. The best plan of action against rats is to keep them away from your home. The following article discusses the four best ways to combat rat infestation.

How to Keep Rats Away From Your Home

Here are four ways you can take to get rats out of your house:

1. Food Waste Management

Food is the primary reason why rats are attracted to your home. In order to prevent rats from getting to your food, you need to do two things. Store all your food in airtight containers as this will prevent rats from being able to smell and track down the location of the food. If they cannot smell the food in your home, there is no reason for them to enter your home. The second thing you can do is to make sure that you do not leave any food outside overnight. Be sure to take out the trash every night. This is not limited to only cleaning your kitchen, but also being sure to empty out and clean your pet’s food bowl. Be sure to get rid of any fruit or vegetable waste from your garden.

2. Gaps and Holes

Gaps and holes are the perfect entry points for rats. Holes on walls, vents, and plumbing act as entrance routes for rats. In order to keep rats from entering your home using gaps and holes, you first need to find the gaps and holes around your home and stuff them with either steel or copper wool.

Rats have strong teeth and are capable of chewing their way through anything, however, they are not able to chew through steel or copper wool. The reason for this is that steel and copper wool get stuck in the teeth of rats which prevents them from chewing any further. Therefore, placing steel and copper wool in the gaps and holes of your homes will prevent rats from entering.

3. Rat repelling plants

There are certain plants that have rat repelling properties. If you keep these plants at your home or garden, you witness minimal to none rat activity. Here are a few plants which you could keep at your home or garden: rosemary, peppermint, lavender, onions, garlic, sage, cayenne, black pepper, and tomatoes. Some of these plants also come with culinary benefits. The flavors and smell produced by these plants are effective at keeping mice away, even the roots of these plants have rat repelling properties. Using plants to repel rats is an eco-friendly solution to all your rat problems.

4. Mica Rodent Spray by MDX Concepts

The Mica Rodent Spray by MDX Concepts is a natural rodent repellent. The spray comprises of essential oils obtained from plants having rat repelling properties. Most rodenticides rely on chemicals and thus, are toxic in nature. Due to their high toxicity levels, they can harm them greatly, and in some cases, it could seven spell their death.

The Mica Rodent Spray is 100% natural as it uses essential oils to get the job done. Thus, it is both a kid-safe and pet-safe form of rodent control. You can also spray your plants to keep rats away from them as it is an eco-friendly product.

By Ellen

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