Stage an Open House

Believe it or not, open houses don’t happen by themselves. Sellers or real estate agents set up the property for their clients to attract visitors and buyers. But before they can decide which piece of furniture goes where and what paint color to apply in the kitchen, the homeowner must first leave the property or let go of some of their things. This is not the case if it’s a new condo unit. An empty Empire East condo unit would probably need a few pieces of furniture and home decors, so buyers can imagine it as their potential home.

Still, the goal of staging an open house is the same – to make the property appeal to house hunters and property buyers. Thus, you must be aware of how to improve the conditions of your property. The tips below can help you make a realistic plan up to the execution of the plans for your open house.

Think of your home as your property

The moment your home for sale, it becomes a product. You should start thinking of it as your property instead of calling it your home. Remember, it is now the home of a potential buyer. It’s doesn’t feel right to take your claim over it if you intend to let it go.

Know your target market

Your neighborhood can help you identify your target market. Is it full of your people and first-time buyers? Is it a suburb aimed for families with children, cars, and pets? Or, is it full of retirees? Knowing who your target market helps you figure out the look you must adapt for your property. If most of the condo units in the area have a contemporary design, then you should consider getting high-end upgrades. It’s also time for you to let go of dated wallpapers and thick draperies that makes your house look ancient.

Identify what your buyers want

Most buyers want to see themselves living in the property. They can’t do that if they can look at your family photos, memorabilia, or your children’s toys. If you want to know what buyers look for in a property, you should walk around the house and list the problem areas. Often, the problem isn’t how you place your furniture. It can be the doorbell, doorknobs, or the water fixtures. Your home’s problem areas can vary from person to person. That is why you should sweep through your home to identify what buyers want to see. When doing this, you must remain objective to survey through all parts of your home thoroughly.

Clean everything

Buyers get turned off by dusty surfaces, sticky floors, and leftover soap in the shower. If you can live in filth, you should not expect your buyers to be the same as you. If you want to sell your property, you must clean everything. You shouldn’t only pay attention to what you usually reach. You must also clean hard to reach places such as ceilings, windows, lighting fixtures, dressers, drawers, and the attic. As much as possible, double your efforts when cleaning the kitchen and the toilet, these rooms are the busy parts of your home. They are also the ones that get dirty the fastest.

Pay attention to what’s broken

Now is the time to go over the maintenance projects you didn’t pay attention to a few years back. If you don’t have the skills to accomplish the job, you can hire a repairman or call the maintenance team of the condo. You must ensure everything works before the open house, so your buyers won’t call on you or pressure you into giving the house at a bargain.

These are the steps to remember when staging an open house. During an open house, a lot of people are scrutinizing your property. Therefore, you must ensure it’s in its best state to attract the right buyers. Most of all, a well-maintained house a sign that the property has a high value, which separates the quality of your condo from the rest of those in the market.

By Bennett

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