Redesign Your Home

If you are staying somewhere along the line of hotels and getting bored with your room, this post is for you!

There are hundreds of ways on how you can step up the game in decorating and improving your room. We summed it up to 10 and from there you can think of the specifics on how you can do things your own way:

1. Know your source of light

One of the fundamental things you should remember when doing some renovation or redesigning is to know your source of light, and everything else will follow. In every beautiful place like hotels in Taguig, you would observe that the rooms are vibrant and cozy. This is probably because they have known how to match well their furniture and materials with the lighting condition of the room.

Remember to maximize the use of natural light from your windows and glasses. But if you’re room or unit is not so much given with those, learn how to play with lamps and lights.

2. Choose a good mix of colors

What makes a room more vibrant and cozy is by having a right mix of colors. All of us have a different taste with hues, and it would be unfair to put words into your mouth as to which will suit your unit better. Whatever your peg or favorite color is, just make sure that your room, furniture, appliances and other stuff’s colors will be in harmony. If you don’t have anything in mind yet, you may hit the Internet and search some color matches or mixes.

3. Learn how to declutter

Whether you are new in your house or staying for a long time, you should learn how to declutter. Decluttering means you pick out the materials you know you don’t need anymore, sold them out or maybe give it (before you decide to put them in the trash can). In short, you should also learn not to hoard things!

Make a quick check – are all the things in your room useful to you? If not, are they so important that you can’t throw them away and worth it to let them clutter your place?

4. Explore minimalism

There is a trend going on that is called minimalism. Related to our previous point, you will keep the things you only need. The challenge in doing minimalism is some of us have the tendency to rationalize everything we have on hand. You have lots of pillows, and you know you do not need all of them in your place. However, you will tell yourself that maybe next time, you will require them. Then come a few weeks, months and years, and you didn’t notice that these pillows clutter up your place.

The first step in exploring minimalism is getting to know yourself. What are your needs and desires? What are the things you know you have to keep? Be careful in reducing your stuff as you may throw away some essential materials.

5. Use space-saver furniture

If you know your room is small and you have lots of things you need, you may want to resort to using space-saver furniture. Instead of having a table with hollow space below, you may want to upgrade it with the ones having pull-out chairs underneath or with shelves below. Note that you don’t have to buy new things! If you have enough time, effort and strength, you can also DIY.

6. Stack your things according to usage and need

All of us should be careful and organized when it comes to piling or storing our things. One of the practical ways on how to do it is by keeping them according to usage and need. How should it be done? It is very simple and no-thinking job: of course, group your stuff according to its purpose. Food comes with food, cleaning materials of its kind, and so on. This style helps you find the things you need easier. You can also keep a list of the things you have grouped and where you kept them so you can easily track them.

7. Clean up regularly

Cleaning up maybe tiring even if you haven’t started doing it yet. But enough with “tamaritis” and keep your muscles working! Regular cleaning improves your home a lot. Schedule a day or two per month where you will dedicate your time to washing, scrubbing, polishing, and cleaning your room, appliance and furniture. Just think of it that it also serves as an exercise day. See, you do not need to go the gym to work out, and you were also able to tidy up your room.

Regular cleaning prevents dust and stains in your room. Do not wait for web cobs and thick dust to mess up your place before you decide to clean.

8. Have a decent sound system

I don’t know if all of you will agree but having music makes any place brighter and better. You may not be a solid music lover, but you may want to explore the option of having a decent sound system where you can play songs you can dance and sing to (or listen). So whenever you feel stressed with work or life in general, you just hit your stereo and have that sweet escape in this cruel world (just kidding, but maybe). Also, having a decent sound system is a good move especially if you love to watch movies!

You may also want to think about having different musical instruments, if your space permits.

9. Reuse, recycle and reduce

One of the primary things we learned in school on how to help our environment is by following the 3 Rs: reuse, recycle and reduce. I believe we don’t have to thoroughly discuss these as we should be knowledgeable and hopefully masters of following the 3 Rs. We may have forgotten or neglected these principles, but it is the right time to refresh our memory and follow them by heart.

Reusing, recycling and reducing doesn’t make the environment happy and better. Also your room will be nice and pleasant.

10. Ask comments and suggestions

Lastly, don’t be shy to ask for comments and suggestions from your trusted relatives and colleagues on how you can further improve your place. If you have the resources, consult the experts.

Among these ten home improvement tips, what are the ones you have successfully done already? Do you recommend to continue practicing such or not?

No matter where we live in, may it be in a hotel in Taguig, condominium, apartment or separate house, we should not settle for less and keep on exploring different options on how we can further improve it. We hope that you have learned a thing or two with our short post!

By Bennett

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