
Feature walls – the overdone statement of the modern household. Fear not avid interior designers! This trend is about to get a much-needed boost as it leaves behind small print paper. Think big, bold patterns to catch your eye. It’s time to ditch symmetrical print wallpaper and turn your concrete canvas into a beautiful mural.

Hung in the same way as conventional wallpaper, stunning statement walls provide a welcome change to ‘same old same old’ feature walls.

Create Your Own View

Perhaps you don’t quite have the cityscape view you imagined, or you just want to create your own little getaway? Picturesque images of buzzing cities and dream destinations help you to disconnect from the 9-5 grind and transport you away from life’s worries. These feature walls work particularly well in communal areas where the bustling atmosphere of these cosmopolitan cities is reflected.


A particularly great choice for small rooms, they give the illusion of expanding space. Stretching across your walls, towering monuments and crowded buildings pose a completely different theme than the repetitive floral tiles and stripes of mainstream wallpaper.

Fashion Isn’t Just Worn


Ombre. It looks great on your hair, great on dip-dyed jeans and now it looks even better on your walls. This simple wash of watercolour adds a new lease of life to drab walls. Effortlessly cool and chic; this fashion statement lends itself well to modern feature walls to help us escape tedious tiled patterns.

Pair pastel colours together for an even more colourful wall with a soft finish. Mint green and baby blues are a popular option and they allow you to work with brighter or deeper shades of green and blue for your soft furnishings.

For those a little less adventurous with colour, ombre lends a helping hand. You can mix almost any colour with plain ol’ white for a more subtle effect. The gradient gently lifts your room with just a touch of colour, but not too much.

Future of Florals


Big is beautiful when it comes to floral prints. Why have tiny illustrated flowers cluttering up your walls when you can have this bold statement wall mural, which allows them to flourish? Let multi-coloured leaves, berries and blooms climb your walls, filling every inch with botanical beauty.

The trick with giant floral murals is to try and keep them in the same colours as your furnishings. You should have a few colours to play with, so take a maximum of 3 and coordinate your appliances and soft furnishings. Adding new colours into the mix will only confuse guests and take glory away from the wall, which will look completely out of place if you don’t attempt to match your household items.

As you can see in the image above, both the table and chairs match with the walls even though they aren’t the same colour as each other. Some accents of blue would finish off the room beautifully. This modern approach to interior design presents us with a colourful alternative to minimalism and allows us to get creative.

Where the Wild Things Are


The secret garden, enchanted forests and wonderland – all of the most incredible journeys of our childhood took place out in the depths of nature. Relive every precious memory and create your own more mature magic forest.

Natural patterns of fauna and bracken awaken the senses, so it’s recommended that you don’t implement this outdoor/indoor trend in the bedroom. Modern interior doesn’t just take patterns and colour into account, it appreciates rich textures that brings life to our walls. The rough bark of these trees and dew-kissed morning grass presents us with two contrasting textures, each desperately provoking our mind to imagine exactly what they feel like. If only we could step right into our walls!

You can go one step further and bring in natural furnishings to really immerse yourself in the outdoor trend. Rustic carved wooden coffee tables and chunky knit sofa throws make you want to curl up in your own humble hideaway. Homemade soft furnishings also add a kitsch twist, so this is a great opportunity to get crafting and really give your living space that stumbled upon, little home in the woods vibe.

Murals Wallpaper produces digital wallpaper murals that are made to measure and tailored to suit individual tastes. Clients can choose from their hand-picked collection, or they can use their own cherished photos or designs.

By Bennett

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