Natural Home Living

Leading a natural lifestyle has a ton of benefits, from savings to reduced stress and better health in general. Most of us are well-aware of what we have to do in order to achieve a natural lifestyle, but without a proper guide, this can turn out somewhat difficult. With this in mind, we’ve come up with a tutorial that will guide you towards a natural home living.

What Does It Really Mean?

In order to get into a more natural lifestyle, first you have to define it. A natural lifestyle entails reducing toxic load, reducing waste, being environmentally conscious, replacing consumption with production and finding alternative, non-toxic ways to do, well, everything.

Reducing Toxic Load

We live in a world that’s riddled with toxic chemicals, even within our very own homes. Almost every product that’s available out there contains toxic stuff, so how to approach this issue? Well, first of all, you need to start cooking from scratch – the very point of premade meals is using every means possible in order to reduce the production price; this may not take away the fantastic taste of premade foods, but definitely entails using cheaper, environmentally damaging substances to turn profit. Going basic with cooking is the best way to avoid this – start from scratch!

Reducing Waste

There’s a reason why some of the major Japanese restaurant chains have decided to swap disposable chopsticks for reusable ones! This is the most basic factor in a green mentality – throw-away items both dwindle our resources and increase our planet’s waste. Replacing disposable items with reusable ones should become the basic way of thinking within your home – think napkins, reusable diapers and perhaps even feminine care products. Additionally, instead of using plastic or paper bags provided in supermarkets, opt for reusable bags that fold up into pouches of their own.

Don’t Buy, Produce!

While this might sound a bit far-fetched, rest assured that you can easily achieve it! Starting a garden can turn out more than a hobby for you. This is both a cheaper and a healthier solution than buying fruits and veggies from the supermarket. Not only can you grow your own food, but also make your own cleaning supplies! Browse the web for natural cleaning supplies recipes in order to reduce both your spending and toxic waste.

Healthy Eating Habits

You can’t hope for a natural home lifestyle if your diet includes bad sugars and junk food – you are what you eat and in order to be natural, you have to eat natural! Focus on consuming raw foods. When it comes to meat, always go with cooking – deep fried foods are not only fattening, but also extremely unhealthy. Focus on fruits, veggies and lean meats and prepare the meals on your own. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t go wild with spices, because this defeats the purpose of going natural altogether. Clean body means a clear mind and a clear mind knows how important being natural is!

Clean Your Air up

Keeping your indoor air fresh, clean and healthy is one of the main issues when it comes to providing a natural home atmosphere (literally, in this case). You can start by growing as many plants as you can, but consider using air purifiers to make sure the air in your home is really clean; experts behind the Air purifier ratings agree that these affordable devices should be a mandatory part of your household, seeing as how they not only provide fresher air, but also help those afflicted by asthma and other conditions that affect human airways.

Sustainable Furniture

You may not be introduced to these, but sustainable, eco-friendly pieces of furniture are somewhat common. Affordable, comfortable and beautiful to look at, these furniture products are made with little or no toxic chemicals. Look for “E-1” and “ITTO” classifications in your furniture, which guarantee that the production of an item has been under oversight of the strictest of standards on the planet. Trees are among Earth’s most valuable resources, so be mindful when browsing for furniture.

Environmental consciousness starts at your very own home. In order to lead a more natural indoor lifestyle, changes have to be made – from replacing everything disposable for reusable and reducing waste, to making sure that you keep your air clean and produce as much as you can, instead of buying! Sustainability is key to saving our planet!

By Bennett

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