Gardens Landscaping

“A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.” – Gertrude Jekyll (Horticulturist)

There’s nothing prettier and warmer than having a beautifully manicured garden at home. As we all know, plants bring life into an otherwise dull home and transform your haven into a peaceful refuge where you can have a relaxing moment with your family and friends. Even if you are living in a condominium Manila or nay other condos in the Philippines, having a garden can change your perspective in life.  

But sad to say, there are still homeowners who tend to commit mistakes when it comes to landscaping. Keep in mind that your garden can add beauty and life to your home. Especially when you want to have a garden in the Philippines, you have to know that the country has a particularly temperamental climate. That means, one day it’s too hot and the next day it rains. It is not just us humans who suffer from these sudden changes, but the plants too. To give you an idea, we list down some tips on how you can do have a good landscaping on your garden,

Gardens Landscaping

Use the right soil

Choosing the right soil is one of most crucial things to consider when gardening. Gardeners know so well that plants do not just live with just any soil. They must be planted in the right soil to get the nutrients that they needed to grow. However, not having the right soil may give risks to your plants – worse, your plants might die because they lack the right nutrients. Another thing to consider, make sure to choose the kind of soil that will support the kind of plants for a tropical garden. That means, the soil should be rich and would not easily be drained.  

Pick the right plants

Just because you like a particular plant for your home, that does not mean it can also grow and survive in a tropical garden. When it comes to choosing a flower or shrub, do not just choose plants based on which one can produce the prettiest, but pick a plant that will survive the country’s climate. Gumamela, for example, they love the tropical climate and can live in the type of soil found in the Philippines.  Perhaps, you can also consider other plants such as bamboo, orchids, ferns, rubber trees, and trumpet vines.

Create an efficient layout

As a gardener, you also have to consider a good landscape for your plants. Tropical plants tend to grow well in shaded areas. During summer in the Philippines, planting in an entirely empty part of the yard will put your plants at risk because of the hot temperature. That is why you have to know what garden layout should you have for your home. This is to make sure that your plants will not die under the heat of the sun. Another thing to consider when it comes to gardening, make sure you group plants according to their watering and mulching needs.

garden porch

Plan your watering schedule and habits

Although plants need water, that does not mean you can water them all the time. Of course, there is a certain time of the day on when is the best time to water them. But because tropical plants need a lot of water, it is best if you have some irrigation in your garden. For some gardeners, they prefer to have irrigation than a hose since they can save a lot of energy and water. Perhaps, you can have a hose with multiple small holes, which will ensure you can soak the soil well without using too much water. However, if you do not have any drip line, using of spray to water your plants will also do a good job.

If you are new to gardening, these tips mentioned above can help you start our garden. Also, if you want to a nice view, make sure to ask a professional before you do the landscaping. Of course, there will always be a beauty when you do some gardening. It does not just give you an amazing view, but a garden also has a lot of health benefits that a person can have. Moreover,


By Bennett

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