Construction Project

If you are planning to renovate your home or even build a new building from scratch, you may be keen to project manage it yourself. However, there is a lot to think about before you make this big decision. Here is a quick guide to the advantages and disadvantages of managing your own construction project.

Advantages of Project Managing Your Own Project

The main reason why people like the idea of project managing is because of the potential to save money. After all, it makes sense that if you do not have to hire a professional project manager you will be making a large saving, and you may be able to put this extra money towards aspects of the project.

If you know that you are the sort of person who likes to stay in control, making yourself project manager allows you to have complete control over all of the key decisions and the progress of your project. This may make you feel more comfortable and avoid the stress caused by knowing that your project is in someone else’s hands.

On top of that, project managing can be a real challenge and a lot of fun. If you are good at organising, seeing your project come together through your own hard work can be very rewarding, especially if the project is very personal to you.

Construction Project

Disadvantages of Project Managing Your Own Project

Despite these potential advantages, it is important to consider the possible disadvantages as well. The main one is that it can be easy to underestimate the sheer amount of work involved in even a relatively minor project.

Staying in control of inspections, supervising the labor, contractors and suppliers, quality control, communicating with the builder and architect, making sure there are no holdups, ensuring that Health and Safety regulations are respected, and everything else that is involved can all become very stressful and time consuming.

Even the little details like arranging skip hire are things that you have to consider. A project manager may already know which company to use and where to get the best price through experience and industry contacts, but you will have to start from scratch.

This may have a negative impact on other areas of your life such as your job or your family life, and if you have other commitments it can become quite disruptive.

In addition to that, there is also more chance that something might go wrong. A professional will have done this many times before, and they will also be 100% focused on the job, whereas you may have other things to think about in your life. Your own project is not the best time to learn on the job and make mistakes, some of which could prove to be very costly.

Should You Go It Alone?

Be realistic when you are considering whether to project manage your own construction project. If you think you will enjoy the challenge, make sure you know what is really involved. It is a very challenging job, so just make sure you do your research and know what you are letting yourself in for before you decide to manage your project yourself.

By Bennett

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