small bathroom

If there’s anywhere that doesn’t get the attention it deserves it’s the bathroom. It’s a small room that doesn’t get used much, so all the other rooms are obviously updated more often. I can definitely understand why you wouldn’t want to spend too much time in there.

Unless you plan on taking a long bath you never really spend more than thirty minutes getting ready in the morning. You can still make your bathroom look pretty nice. Sometimes it just needs some nice features installed and small changes made.

Have a look at this list with a few ideas you could implement soon.

small bathroom

1. Throw your small tub out

A deep bathtub is one of the easiest ways to make your bathroom look great, plus you’ll enjoy it much more when you go in for a soak. Instead of spending an hour in the bath you might not want to come out. If you want one get it with jet-streams coming out from the side and it will be more like a hot-tub.

2. Add life to the room

If you want to try and add some life to the bathroom you should throw some potted plants in there. They will instantly freshen the place up and make the place more relaxing. You could just have a little one on a table, or you could put a giant one in the corner that would look even better.

3. Change tile colors

Everyone will eventually get sick and tired of looking at the same color of walls all the time. At least with tiles it’s not too hard to take them off and put new ones on. When you choose your next ones you should try something a bit different, if not in color then definitely the pattern on the tiles.

4. Install a pressure shower

Everyone should have a pressure shower these days because they are great. Long gone are the days when you had to stand underneath a little trickle of water. They will make you enjoys showers so much more and sometimes you will prefer them to a long bath. There’s nothing like a fast flow of water into your face to wake you up in the morning.

5. Buy some new towels

Your towels will make the bathroom much more pretty, especially if they are big towels. There’s something warming about the fact you can see a huge towel hanging over a radiator that’s about to be draped across your body. Just choose nice colors that match in with everything else.

6. New sink and faucets

Your sink and faucets don’t need to be ugly looking things that serve only one purpose anymore. They can be a fashion statement. There’s lots of different styles and some of them look like the ones you’d find in a 5-star hotel. You can guarantee you will be able to find a great design that won’t break the bank.

7. Upgrade your shower curtain

The first thing that usually has to go in a bathroom is the shower curtain. It’s not the nicest accessory in the world considering it spends a lot of time being damp. When you want to buy a new one you should try something a little different. If you don’t like it you can always take it down.

8. Bath rugs

You have to be careful with the kind of rug you lay in the bathroom. You don’t want one that’s going to stay wet for days on end. But it’s still nice to have one you can walk on when your feet are cold. Don’t buy one that’s too big, or you won’t be able to take it outside to air it out.

By Bennett

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