Healthy Homes

Healthy Homes: 5 Ticking Time Bombs in Your Homes that You Cannot Ignore

To preserve a home’s overall structural integrity and foundation, it is necessary for homeowners to accord their homes proper maintenance and care.

However, even with the most stringent home measures implemented, it is inevitable for any home to undergo through the normal phases of wear and tear. In this regard, essential repairs would be required not only for your home’s optimal functioning but to ensure its longevity as well.

Unfortunately, as homeowners, we are often guilty of overlooking some home repairs and maintenance issues under the belief that they are not serious enough to warrant an expense of either money, effort or time. However, oversights such as disregarding home repairs would ultimately and potentially cost you even more if neglected.

While there are home issues you can easily disregard in the meantime in favor of better pecuniary pursuits, there is a range of some that would be inadvisable to neglect. Sure, they might not look significant nor urgent enough to alarm you, but you might want to take a closer look because the longer you delay addressing these issues, the worse off your home would be.

Do not wait until such home issues are exacerbated and be on the lookout for them now. Where you are living in a house and lot or an apartment elsewhere, here are home ticking bombs you should never ignore:

1. The Foundation

On the outset, a small crack on the exterior of your homes such as one that can be found in a brick veneer would not look all too serious to you. In fact, it would look like an issue that can easily be given a cosmetic fix and which would not cost the overall integrity of your homes any real harm. Unfortunately, this is not the case always.

It can start as a crack but it can actually denote a bigger problem with your foundation. While the cracks look like they do not signify anything serious, it is best to have a structural engineer examine your foundation as this could potentially save you a whole lot more if a problem with your foundation is caught early.

2. The Roof

Most homeowners make the mistake of waiting until a roof leak before they go on to address an underlying problem. Your roof is one of those aspects that can look alright from the front while unknowingly crumbling elsewhere. If your homes come with an attic, routinely check for stains around the vents or the ceilings. Ideally, have your roof inspected once every five years.

3. Old Electrical System

An electrical or wiring issue should be one of those potential home repairs you should never neglect or overlook. Doing so would not only mean a rather dysfunctional electrical system, but could potentially prove to be a safety hazard as well. This is particularly true if your home’s electrical wirings and systems are rather old and rendered obsolete.

Take note that old electrical systems did not have to meet the same requirements for power that has now been a standard for homes. Similarly, your electrical system might not be able to supply the kind of power most high-end gadgets need which would cause it to overheat. If your home’s electrical system is dated, be sure to have it checked by an inspector.

4. Moisture on walls

Moisture can be attributed to any seepage or water leakage in the wall. Leaving them unaddressed would cause mold and fungus growth on your wall which would then give your wall the appearance of a spotted tiger. Ignoring this issue can rot the wood and harm your foundations. Protect your homes and address it the moment it becomes apparent.

5. Preparing for the unexpected

You cannot always tell whether or not disaster will strike. These fortuitous events are things beyond our control. What you can do however, is to fortify your homes to meet such events without suffering too much damage thereafter. Prime your homes for anything that might happen and prepare for the worst. In this regard, always have it checked and address home maintenance issues as soon as possible. Routine maintenance checks will give you an idea of how your major systems are functioning and if there are any repairs needed.

By Bennett

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